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Ampliación Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, Distrito Federal


Office for rent of 6 m2 fully furnished, located in Avenida Río San Joaquín, has a very good aesthetic and facilities.
Completely new building with luxury details all over. The building has the category triple A. Near Plaza Carso, a central location to museums and to the Spanish Hospital, as well as to public transportation networks such as the subway. It can accommodate up to 2 people, due to the comfortable and equipped spaces that can be used. All branches of the square offices are available for use anytime, anywhere for all members. There are over 8 locations only on the USA.

The price of the office already includes an integral service of:
-Electricity, water, maintenance, cleaning
-High demand of health protocols
-Unlimited Internet, telephone with private extension
-Office manager at Reception and Lobby
--Receipt of documents, parcels, fiscal notifications.
-Furniture per workstation (photos)
- Tax residence and commercial adress
--Unrestricted hours 24/7 365 days per year
-Your own key
-24-hour fitness center at no extra cost
-Breakfast and snack time included

Take advantage of this unique opportunity with this exclusive space in a good working environment!